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Career Values
A Self-Evaluation
Strongly Agree 5 4 3 2 1 Strongly Disagree

Using the above chart, honestly score each statement on how it best describes you. (Example - 5 you strongly agree, 4 you agree, 3 you're middle of the road, 2 you disagree, 1 you strongly disagree)

Be sure to write the line number of the question with your personal score for each individual question.

  1. The main reason people work is to earn money.

  2. The best job is one that provides the opportunity to learn new skills and ideas.

  3. I would rather work with tools than to push a pencil all day.

  4. It is important that others recognize what I have accomplished on the job.

  5. It is better to have a job that pays the same amount of money each month, than to have a job that pays a lot some months and little other months.

  6. It is very important to be willing to accept responsibility on the job.

  7. Helping others is what makes working worthwhile.

  8. Decisions should be based on facts and figures than intuition or untested ideas.

  9. If I know I have done a good job, it is not important that others know it too.

  10. The amount of money a person makes on a job is more important than what the person does on the job.

  11. I would rather work at a company for less money and be promised the job forever than to work where I could make a lot of money but lose the job at any time.

  12. To be able to live by my own beliefs is more important than keeping a job.

  13. A job where you cannot be promoted is not worth having.

  14. The ideal job would be one where no two days are exactly alike.

  15. It is better to make $25,000 a year and be called a "Laborer", than to make $15,000 and be called an "Executive".

  16. It is easier to work with facts and figures than it is to work with people.

  17. It is better to be the boss and tell others what to do than to follow orders.

  18. Having retirement benefits and insurance is more important than getting promoted.

  19. It is better to be called an "Executive" and make $15,000 a year than to be called a "Laborer" and make $25,000.

  20. I would prefer a job where I could do many different tasks instead of doing the same thing every day.

  21. I prefer to use my ideas to create something that has not existed before.

  22. An ideal job would allow me to work with my hands.

  23. If there are no people around to talk to, a job can be very boring.

  24. I would enjoy a job where I could keep records and make sure information was accurate and in order.

  25. I would enjoy a job where I could make decisions and others would look to me for direction.

  26. It is better to work with machines because they do not talk back.

  27. Discussing ideas with others is a lot better than making decisions totally alone.

Score yourself and what each value means to you.

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