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Destructive Relationship Tips
You can use any or all of these steps to quickly remove any possibility of intimacy or a future for your relationships.
Assume they're "the one". The sooner the better.
Forget about life, friends, self care...
Use every opportunity to humiliate, ridicule, and assert your superiority over your partner in group settings or with anyone outside your relationship. Poor you, look at the partner you're stuck with.
Reveal everything about yourself right away.
Test your partner with your worst and ugliest behavior. Have to make sure they 'love you for you'.
Fight to win and use lots of name-calling.
Have sex right away.
Ignore anything that your partner does or make excuses for them, in everything that does not mesh with your values, lifestyle, and beliefs.
Mold and shape them. They might have potential.
Lots of drama. Never a dull moment...
A relationship is merely a title or deed of ownership.
Spend a lot of time together.
Have them fulfill a list of things or make a formula of how to win your heart or keep the relationship.
Ignore boundary crossings or hurt feelings.
Lavish huge attention and expect the same.
Demand deeper, in spite of partner's needs and emotions.
Demand that your partner be at your beck and call. They exist only for you.
Punish them liberally when they step out of line.
Be unavailable. Absence makes the heart grow fonder, right?
Cling, demand and beg for attention.
Manipulate. Control. Use the words "should" and "should not" a lot.
Ask leading questions.
Ultimatums and emotional blackmail are the only way you get your way.
Marry them in your head.
Withhold everything and anything. Withhold physically, sexually, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.
Force the relationship. If it won't go, make it.
Come on strong.
Use "if you really loved me..." a lot.
Expect to be saved or fixed. Or better yet, be a savior, martyr and/or god.
Give up yourself, opinions and values.
Remind them how they could be more like 'so-and-so'. Compare them a lot with others and remind them how they fail in comparison.
Block any attempts at communication.
Make them read your mind. After all, they love you and they should know.
Play lots of mind games. Keep 'em guessing.
Be dishonest. A little white lie never hurt anyone...

Have another destructive relationship tip? us or visit The Top 10 Mistakes Couples Most Often Make page for other things that rob your relationship of intimacy, love, and happiness.

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